hariQ acupuncture & herbs

Tinnitus & Acupuncture: Explore Proven Natural Remedy

Acupuncture & tinnitus

A 45-year-old man came to my clinic looking for some relief from the ringing in ears because he discovered that acupuncture might be a great option to explore.

Categorized as Tinnitus

How To Reduce Ringing In Ear (Tinnitus) By 10 Acupressure

How to Reduce Tinnitus by Acupressure

I want to show how to alleviate tinnitus, which sounds like whistling, buzzing, roaring, or clicking, especially at night, using 10 acupressure techniques.

Categorized as Tinnitus

What Is Moxa? – One Of The Most Common Questions

What is Moxa?

Moxa is effective for conditions such as inflammation, coldness, pain & poor circulation. I hope this helps you understand why we often use Moxa in our practice

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Acupuncture: Proven & Speedy Recovery

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Acupuncture

A woman looked for relief from tingling numbness & shooting pain down to her right hand. Within 4 months of acupuncture treatment, she was almost 95% recovered.

How to Use a Toothpick to Help Your Neuropathy

How to use a toothpick for Neuropathy

You can use a toothpick to stimulate acupuncture points on your own, which may help reduce tingling and numbness while increasing sensation in your feet.

Categorized as Neuropathy

How to Alleviate Synkinesis When You Smile (Bell’s Palsy)

4 STEPS for Synkinesis

I want to give you advice on how to alleviate the side effects of unhealed Bell’s Palsy, also known as Synkinesis, involuntary muscle contractions in your face.

Acupuncture & Migraines: Proven Remedy & Speedy Recovery

Acupuncture & Migraine

A 40-year-old female visited my acupuncture clinic with a pressure headache and migraine every day that has persisted for 28 years without improvement.

Categorized as Headache

How to Relieve Elbow Pain with Acupressure (10 Steps)

How to Relieve Elbow Pain

By utilizing traditional oriental medicine, I have developed a 10-step acupressure technique that you can perform to reduce pain and swelling in your elbow. 

Categorized as Elbow Pain

Acupuncture & Neck and Shoulder Pain: Proven Remedy & Speedy Recovery

Acupuncture & Neck and Shoulder Pain

A 45-year-old woman, came to my acupuncture clinic seeking relief from chronic neck and shoulder pain and tightness that had persisted for the past 8 years.

Categorized as Neck Pain

How To Use An Umbrella To Improve Frozen Shoulder (3 Steps)

How to Use an Umbrella for Frozen Shoulder

I’d like to share an active-assisted stretching technique with you: using an umbrella to stretch your frozen shoulder and increase your range of motion.